Research activities: |
Overhead line and cable design, installation and opereational problems |
Switching equipment arc circuit sizing and arc flash hazard estimation |
Over current limiter and circuit development |
Development of LED lighting drivers-devices |
Transformer diagnostic and monitoring systems development |
High voltage (220-750 kV) transformers on-site revision |
Electric meters - smart metering, meter influence Problems |
Ripple Control System (HKV, RKV), customers development |
Subtation secondary documentation development - NAVIGATOR |
power and reactive management problems |
Mains harmonics and voltage flickers problem |
Connection of small power plants, solar systems |
Protection resolutions - studies |
Microprocessor controls development |
SMART BOJLER controllers - energy SAVINGS |
SCADA - Load management , GIS etc |
Training simulators for the energy-supply rpoblems |